

Students in programs that require completion of a culminating project, 包括论文, 论文或项目, 必须满足提交此类作品格式审查的这些截止日期:

  • 春季学位授予- 3月1日
  • 夏季学位授予- 7月1日
  • 秋季学位授予- 10月. 1

If the due date falls on a weekend, the submission is due the next regular weekday. Format review may take up to three weeks depending on the volume of submissions. Student work submitted after the deadlines may not be reviewed in time to meet the degree conferral deadlines established by the UIW 注册商.

Review these steps before you submit your thesis, doctoral project or dissertation for format review.

Format review verifies that a document has been prepared according to UIW style requirements and the editorial style standards of the student's academic discipline. 在提交格式审查之前, ensure all writing issues are resolved in consultation with writing professionals at the 研究生写作中心.

  • 研究生写作支持: Experienced writing development specialists are available to help with all aspects of the writing process. uw硕士课程可获得面对面和在线帮助, 博士及专业学生, 以及威斯康星大学的教职员工. 要预约写作专家,请访问 WCOnline 或者发邮件给 研究生写作中心.

  • 查看 准备和提交文件 instructions below and visit the 版权、出版和许可 请参阅有关准备和提交文件的更多信息.

If you wish to hire a professional editor for help with final manuscript preparation, 与你的论文或论文主席讨论这个问题. Your mentors can help clarify which areas of your writing would benefit from expert help. Reminder: You are solely responsible for the contract and all contract details you make with an editor. Any information provided by the 研究和研究生办公室 about editors is neither an endorsement of an editor nor a guarantee of any level of service to the student.

与编辑交谈的最佳实践:在你联系编辑之前, 确定所需工作的范围,并制定灵活的时间表. 帮助编辑器高效、快速地执行, It is best to be as precise as possible about your area or areas of need. You must provide the editor with the most recent document formatting guidelines for your discipline and the relevant UIW format guides.

Have questions or concerns about any aspect of the document formatting and publication process? 选择此链接获取帮助: 研究和研究生办公室.

Format review cannot begin until the project is submitted into 在阅览室.要发送您的文档以进行格式审查,请在 在阅览室.  创建帐户后, 按照屏幕提示完成发布订单, 通过上传文档完成. 这将启动格式审查进程. Dissertation writers must also create an order for the ProQuest repository using UIW's ProQuest ETD管理员 工具.

UIW IRB流程页面指南 and look under the "AfterApproval" section for instructions on closing your research protocol. 在授予任何学位之前,研究协议必须关闭.

Students completing a research dissertation in a PhD degree program should complete the Survey of Earned Doctorates available here: 美国国家科学基金会的博士学位调查. After completing the survey, email a copy of the completion certificate to the 研究和研究生办公室.



论文, doctoral projects and dissertations must be submitted to UIW's repository of scholarly works, 在阅览室. These documents must be carefully and completely formatted according to UIW and discipline style requirements. Select the appropriate category below for more detailed instructions on the document formatting and submitting process.

所有写论文的学生, doctoral project or dissertation as partial fulfillment of their degree requirements must submit an electronic copy into 在阅览室. 雅典娜神庙是大学学术著作的宝库, 由梅比图书馆支持和维护. 此外,论文作者必须使用UIW的 ProQuest ETD管理员 工具 to deposit a copy of their dissertation into the ProQuest Dissertations and 论文 Global database.

The policies governing theses, doctoral projects, and dissertations are presented in the 最终项目政策和程序 研究生目录部分. 这些政策包括:

  • 入学要求
  • 委员会的组成和组成
  • 学生和教员的责任
  • 格式审查提交截止日期
  • 文件提交和审查过程
  • 通关流程
  • Student rights and responsibilities as owners of the copyrighted material
  • University distribution, reproduction and archival rights to these materials

学生撰写论文, doctoral project or dissertation according to style guide recommended for their subject area. Adherence to the appropriate style guide ensures that a student's work is prepared correctly and ready for deposit 在校本 institutional repository, 在阅览室,论文也可以存入uw ProQuest ETD管理员.

注册的UIW学生可以查看和下载文档样式指南, 模板页, 和其他有用的项目 研究和研究生办公室画布页面.


Students must prepare electronic documents for review and publication; do not make print copies. 当准备好审查时,将文件提交给 在阅览室.

道成肉身的大学 requires all student scholarly work to be completely and correctly formatted prior to deposit into 在阅览室 and, 对论文, 在校本 ProQuest ETD管理员. The student document must be formatted according to discipline publication standards and all additional UIW formatting requirements.

格式复习就是这样,而不是内容或语法复习. The student and committee are entirely responsible for the document content, 引用完整性, 写力学, 并遵守IRB协议.

当你的文件准备好了,请访问 在阅览室 to create an account and begin the process of submitting your document.

登录 研究和研究生办公室画布页面 for detailed instructions about submitting your document into 在阅览室.

提交完成论文的截止日期, doctoral projects and dissertations to the 研究和研究生办公室 for format review:

  • 3月1日,5月授予学位
  • 7月1日,8月授予学位
  • 10月. 1 . 12月授予学位

If a submission due date falls on a weekend, the submission is due the following Monday. 至少有三周的时间来完成格式审查. Student work submitted after the deadlines may not be reviewed in time to meet the graduation deadlines set by the UIW 注册商. 查看 校历 查看截止日期和其他重要信息.

Reminder: All research protocols must be 关闭d before a student can graduate. For information on the IRB closure process, visit the Office of Research and Sponsored Projects 人类受试者研究机构审查委员会 页面.